But what does this mean for the world?
What would be the multi-dimensional positive impacts of adding 100s of millions of new Mind Body practitioners to the planet? This is very exciting ...
EXCERPT "NEW 2nd EDITION; The Gospel of Science: Mind Blowing New Science on Ancient Truths to Heal Our Stress, Lives, and Planet" [pages 343 - 345]
... a famous meditation study in Washington D.C. by J.S. Hagelin, M.V. Rainforth, D.W. Orme-Johnson, K.L. Cavanaugh, C.N. Alexander, S.F. Shatkin, J.L. Davies, A.O. Hughes, and E. Ross, published at the Institute of Science, Technology & Public Policy site in 1999, 154 and in Social Indicators Research journal. It is worth mentioning the esteemed credentials of the lead researcher on this historic project: John Hagelin, Ph.D., a renowned quantum physicist, science and public policy expert. Dr. Hagelin conducted pioneering research at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center—and was responsible for the development of a highly successful grand unified field theory based on the superstring—a theory that was featured in a cover story of Discover magazine.
This historic study on meditators affecting society, conducted from June to July in 1993, found that when a certain small percentage of the city’s population included trained meditators, the HRA (homicides, rapes, and assaults) crime rates decreased significantly by 23% at the highest point of infusion of meditators. What was interesting was that there was a correlation in line charts showing that as the number of meditators being brought into the city increased, the crime rates correspondingly dropped. Weather and other factors were taken into account, and the statistical odds of this happening by chance were calculated to be less than 2 in 1 billion.
Other meditation research entitled “Transcendental Meditation Program and Crime Rate Change in a Sample of Forty-Eight Cities” by M.C. Dillbeck, G. Landrith, and D.W. Orme-Johnson, cited at NCJRS (National Crime and Justice Reference Service) from the 154 Hagelin, J.S.; Rainforth, M.V.; Orme-Johnson, D.W.; Cavanaugh, K. L.; Alexander, C.N.; Shatkin, S.F.; Davies, J.L; Hughes, A.O.; and Ross, E.; Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, DC: Results of the National Demonstration Project –June-July 1993, Institute of Science, Technology & Public Policy, 1999 http://istpp.org/crime_prevention/
… Journal of Crime and Justice 4: 25–45, 1981, 155 stated that in cities where 1% of the population were instructed and trained in meditation programs, crime rates decreased the following year, in contrast to matched control cities, and the trend remained in the subsequent 5 years.
A February 2019 article by Arjun Walia, titled “Scientists Show How Gratitude Literally Alters the Human Heart & Molecular Structure of the Brain,” published on Collective-Evolution.com156, cited a study by 2 Harvard University professors. They found that violence decreased between 40 and 80% during the 1980s Israel-Lebanon war when they organized experienced meditators in the U.S., Yugoslavia, and Israel to focus on the conflict area during meditation.
If the energy of consciousness permeating out to affect other human minds seems world altering, it is truly earth-shaking to learn of research indicating that human consciousness actually affects not just other minds, but the physical world. This is what the Global Consciousness Project discovered in their research on how the mind affects technology, when they found that when global human consciousness was focused en masse their computer equipment all over the planet showed simultaneous fluctuations—indicating consciousness affects physical reality.
155 Dillbeck, M C; Landrith, G; Orme-Johnson, D W; Transcendental Meditation Program and Crime Rate Change in a Sample of Forty-Eight Cities (From Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 4, P 25-45, 1981, Sloan T Letman, ed.), National Criminal Justice Reference Service, 1981, https://www.ncjrs.gov/App/Publications/abstract.aspx?ID=85219
156 Walia, Arjun; Scientists Show How Gratitude Literally Alters The Human Heart & Molecular Structure Of The Brain, Collective-Evolution.com, February 14, 2019 https://www.collective-evolution.com/2019/02/14/scientists-show-how-gratitude-literally-alters-the-human-heart-molecular-structure-of-the-brain/